Tilengine - The 2D retro graphics engine forum

Full Version: READ BEFORE POSTING - Asking for support guidelines
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READ BEFORE POSTING - Asking for support guidelines - megamarc

In order to keep posts in this forum useful and of good quality, I have to ask for a minimal set of requisites. If you're testing things and have an unexpected behavior, you're welcome to request support but you must attach a minimal working sample that reproduces the issue:
  • Version of Tilengine and platform OS
  • Detailed description of the issue
  • Source code that can be built to an executable
  • Graphic assets used
Issues are caused by specific usage conditions. This information is mandatory to be able to give support.

Any post that just blames Tilengine without giving any useful information will be deleted promptly.

Most of the issues experienced by people writing these low-quality posts are caused by their own lack of skills in software development.

Thanks for understanding.