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    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi! As any native system C library, you can use Tilengine from any language that suports interfacing with system libraries. Java requires a JNI binding to do this. I developed one at the beginning, t...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-02-2020, 05:21 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi! Provided samples should work with old JNI, as they don't use newer features of the engine. However, to access these newer features, yes, TilengineJNI.c AND should be updated with...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-03-2020, 01:27 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi, Doing a binding is more a tedious work than a challenging one. It requires repetitive work done by hand that is error-prone, because you have to map every function and data structure, keeping nam...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-03-2020, 04:39 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi, The bindings that are updated more are C# (for compiled, managed language) and Python (for interpreted, scripted language). Other bindings are contributed by other people, or are a proof of con...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-04-2020, 04:15 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

You picked two extreme cases :) In order to communicate, sometimes the binding must do data conversion before passing the arguments. In other cases, it must create and destroy elements that are nee...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-05-2020, 04:07 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Not like the callback one, sure. Any function that passes strings will need the data conversion, same as functions that pass or get structures (structs). But there are already some functions that do t...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-05-2020, 04:32 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Of course, that would be welcome! If you do that, after cloning the repo in your GitHub and do the modifications, you can do a "pull request". With this, your patch will be integrated back into the...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-05-2020, 05:23 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi, Required JNI header is distributed with the JDK (Java Development Kit). Please read main JTilengine README in GitHub to see how to reference it when compiling, depending on your OS, as its locati...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-07-2020, 08:27 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi! What version of the OS and JDK are you using? I use Windows 10 x64 2004 and OpenJDK 1.8.22. I've tried the commands I put on github, and they still work for me. Just a minor warning on a fun...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-07-2020, 06:36 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

I think I see the problem. First, check the syntax, this is incorrect: -I"../Tilengine.dll" The -I parameter should not be used here. It is used to include headers, but the dll is a binary....
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-08-2020, 12:00 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Congratulations!! I'm glad you made it work. Keep going! Let me know if you need more support. Regards,
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-08-2020, 04:58 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Yes, Tilengine can read two custom tile properties, that can be queried with TLN_GetLayerTile() ( function into a TLN_...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-09-2020, 09:33 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Yes! This is the intended use case of the custom "type" attribute :-)
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-09-2020, 10:26 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Both are quite complex samples. I think the samples bundled with the engine must be simple and showcase basic features. The creation of working gameplay mechanics is beyond the scope of the engine its...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-10-2020, 06:14 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi, If you check provided samples, you'll see that "line" argument is heavily used inside the raster effect body:
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-08-2020, 06:08 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi! Raster effect is a global frame feature, that's why you can't have one for each layer. However, you can modify any layer or sprite parameters inside the same callback. That's what the example s...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-09-2020, 03:29 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi, I'll check the attached 7z later, thanks. For objects, you can use the "Object Layer" feature: These can be directly loaded and dra...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-09-2020, 04:29 AM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

You're doing great work with the binding! I've updated my local working copy with your latest commit to se what happens. I have a java compilation error that is silly but prevents me from generatin...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-10-2020, 06:11 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

I think we're experiencing portability problems here. I cannot run my own TestWindow/TestPanel samples either, java gets complaining about crashes inside lots of innocent functions that otherwise work...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-10-2020, 08:50 PM
    Thread: Tilengine on Java
Post: RE: Tilengine on Java

Hi! I think I know what happens. In original 32-bit binding and library, returned pointers by the Tilengine native library are handled as jint (32-bit). However, 64-bit builds return 64-bit pointe...
megamarc Support 79 149,568 12-11-2020, 03:28 AM