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Microsoft Windows integration?
No you can't enable, Tilengine rendering core is CPU based, it doesn't use the GPU.
For the window, SDL2 already uses hardware acceleration by default if present.

What is your test hadrware? What performance are you getting?
My hardware is Intel Core i5 Skylake, Nvidia GTX950M, 12 GB of RAM.
And you're getting 50% GPU usage with this equipment?

My stock Raspberry 3B from 2016 runs the C samples with CRT enabled at 60 fps...

One of the samples provided with the engine is called "banchmark", have you tried it? It does some renders to a memory buffer to test performance. It doesn't use the window. Can you put the results here?

For example funning in my Core i5 8250 returns this:

Tilengine v2.8.5 64-bit built Oct 17 2020 19:07:20
Normal layer.......... 412.903 Mpixels/s
Scaling layer......... 842.105 Mpixels/s
Affine layer..........  89.552 Mpixels/s
Blend layer........... 290.909 Mpixels/s
Scaling blend layer... 648.648 Mpixels/s
Affine blend layer....  81.494 Mpixels/s
Normal sprites........ 333.767 Mpixels/s

And the Raspberry Pi 3 B:

Tilengine v2.8.0 32-bit built May  3 2020 06:26:10
Normal layer..........  65.798 Mpixels/s
Scaling layer.........  95.380 Mpixels/s
Affine layer..........   9.921 Mpixels/s
Blend layer...........  32.697 Mpixels/s
Scaling blend layer...  63.408 Mpixels/s
Affine blend layer....   8.440 Mpixels/s
Normal sprites........  48.892 Mpixels/s
Colliding sprites.....  31.824 Mpixels/s
My results :

Tilengine benchmark tool
Written by Megamarc - Nov 29 2020 16:53:32
Library version: 2.8.5

Tilengine v2.8.5 64-bit built Nov 29 2020 16:07:06
Normal layer.......... 176.632 Mpixels/s
Scaling layer......... 278.664 Mpixels/s
Affine layer..........  41.087 Mpixels/s
Blend layer........... 136.073 Mpixels/s
Scaling blend layer... 271.954 Mpixels/s
Affine blend layer....  38.834 Mpixels/s
Normal sprites........ 151.210 Mpixels/s
Colliding sprites..... 119.570 Mpixels/s
Performance enough to run the samples without problems. With one of the samples running and task manager in view, disable the CRT effect by pressing backspace key. You should see a drop in resource usage. Let me know
If we use the Vulkan graphics api and create a compatible vulkan surface with a win32 surface
can we use that with the tilengine to render to?
VkSurfaceKHR       WIN32Surface;
VkWin32SurfaceCreateInfoKHR win32_surface_info = {};
   win32_surface_info.sType      = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_WIN32_SURFACE_CREATE_INFO_KHR;
   win32_surface_info.pNext      = nullptr;
   win32_surface_info.flags      = 0;
   win32_surface_info.hinstance  = hinstance;
   win32_surface_info.hwnd       = hwnd;
   vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR(hinstance, &win32_surface_info, nullptr, &hWIN32Surface);
I don't know Vulkan so I can't give advice here.

But as long as you can create a vulkan surface with 32-bit RGBA pixel format where you can write to its contents, and then send it to the display, yes, that's the way to go.

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