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Collision with Tilemap Layer
That's because you're just checking collision in a single point in your character, that is not representative of its shape. To properly manage it, you should work with an array of collision points around the edge of your character, and when you move it, check all the points that are on the edge of the walking direction (if you move to the right, check all collision points on the right side of the character).

How many points and at which locations? That depends on your gameplay structure, but as a general rule, they should be separated at most the size of the tiles in the collision tileset. In your project, city tiles are 16 pixels per side, and beeb is 32, so you have to use between 2 and 3 points per side. For example [0,16,31], or [8,24]. The second set leaves a small border of 8 pixels that in some cases may feel more natural than clipping to the outer edge. In 3/4 top-down perspective -like classic Final Fantasy games-, the upper collision edge should be a bit above feet, not on the head. As I said, it depends on gameplay being created. But consider an array of points per edge.

This article may help you. It's about platformers, but the concepts about motion and collision are quite general:

Messages In This Thread
RE: Collision with Tilemap Layer - by megamarc - 04-11-2020, 04:37 PM
RE: Collision with Tilemap Layer - by megamarc - 04-13-2020, 02:59 PM
RE: Collision with Tilemap Layer - by megamarc - 04-14-2020, 03:36 AM
RE: Collision with Tilemap Layer - by megamarc - 04-14-2020, 02:45 PM
RE: Collision with Tilemap Layer - by megamarc - 04-17-2020, 05:08 AM

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