Thanks I really appreciate your insight
Thank you for pointing out that the mod playback just comes from SDL_sound. It's a little thing but I overlooked that, and it's good to know it's as easy as just using SDL_sound. And yes I got the feeling that the SDL ecosystem was the one I should stick with.
As for Lua - actually it's is a new language for me and I have no affinity for it, it's just what Pico 8 and Love2D use, and I like them for reasons other than the language they use.
Though I will say, Lua has been fun, making new enemy types by just adding new behaviours and variables on the base entity without having to make new classes. It even makes me wonder what's the point of all these restrictions we have in other languages when the main time consuming bugs come from silly typos or logic bugs during runtime.
I actually got palette swapping (Pico 8 style) in Love2D easily with shaders! The results of my effort are here. But now that that's done, I'm starting to set up Tilengine and SDL on my Linux Mint setup. I'm looking forward to giving Tilengine a good go.

As for Lua - actually it's is a new language for me and I have no affinity for it, it's just what Pico 8 and Love2D use, and I like them for reasons other than the language they use.
Though I will say, Lua has been fun, making new enemy types by just adding new behaviours and variables on the base entity without having to make new classes. It even makes me wonder what's the point of all these restrictions we have in other languages when the main time consuming bugs come from silly typos or logic bugs during runtime.
I actually got palette swapping (Pico 8 style) in Love2D easily with shaders! The results of my effort are here. But now that that's done, I'm starting to set up Tilengine and SDL on my Linux Mint setup. I'm looking forward to giving Tilengine a good go.