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Building & cross compiling experience
I don't have personal affiliation to SDL, but I have used it enough times to tell that it's a great tool: Permissive license, supports lots of platforms, bindings to nearly any lprogramming language, really easy to work with (very lean API)... It has saved me on several commercial projects too. The separartion between having a core with basic functions and several add-ins is great too. SDL_sound for audio and module format playback, SDL_Image for working with common image formats, SDL_Font to render text using freetype, SDL_Net for networking. Just grab what you need.

I haven't worked with Lua, I just know that's a lightweight and embeddable scripting language. There's no perfect language either: Python is flexible, great for fast prototyping and directly interpreted (no compile step), but working with classes with all that "self" thing everywhere is cumbersome and error prone. C# is great for bigger projects and binary universal -compile just once and run everywhere-, but it's not as great for fast prototyping and learning. C is source universal but having cross-platform targets, with separate toolchains and makefiles for each target is tedious... Each one has its pros and cons.

I'm glad you're going to give Tilengine a try :-) Downloads on aren't yet updated, please grab the GitHub project, install libpng-dev and libsdl2-dev packages and run the Makefile inside the src_lib folder (as stated in instructions). Let me know if you have any trouble!

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RE: Building & cross compiling experience - by megamarc - 07-09-2018, 07:19 PM

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