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Building & cross compiling experience
MonoDevelop was acquired by Xamarin and turned into the commercial product Xamarin Studio, that in turn was acquired by Microsoft and integrated into the new VisualStudio 2017 as a plugin. That's why MonoDevelop is orphaned under Windows, because it would compete with their own commercial offerings.

Yes, your C# Platformer.exe built in one machine should run in another. The problem here is not the Mono/.NET binary itself, but the fact that it relies on native system libraries: Tilengine and SDL2.

Under linux that's easy because there's a common place where to put shared system libraries: /usr/lib everything you put there is accessible to everyone. Apt packages and the Tilengine install script put their binaries there.

But in under Windows there's no such place to put common shared libraries and you have three options:
  1. Pollute \windows\system32 folder with SDL2.dll and Tilengine.dll. Ugly.
  2. Pollute the already cluttered environment path variable with yet another custom folder. Ugly.
  3. Put a copy of SDL2.dll and Tilengine.dll on each and every folder where you have a tilengine executable. Ugly, but what's the install.bat script does.

So in short, under Windows it's the end-user responsibility to make shared libraries widely accessible, or I must provide an installer. I don't know what should be my official solution for this matter.

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RE: Building & cross compiling experience - by megamarc - 07-11-2018, 04:31 PM

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