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Building & cross compiling experience
Ah, I see - I didn't try SDL2.dll as well.

I just experimented and from what I can tell, pretty sure the problem is I complied that example on 64bit Linux, so the 32 bit SDL2.dll I have is causing a "System.BadImageFormatException" error in Windows.

I stopped experimenting because I have to pack it in for tonight, so I thought I'd run this by you for now;
  • I could continue to develop under Linux and produce a Linux 64 bit version of my game.
  • Then under Windows, I can run csc or mono or whatever it is you do, from the commandline, to compile a 32 bit Windows version of the game, and throw in the 32 bit version of the Tilengine.dll and SDL2.dll.
Would that workflow work do you think?

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RE: Building & cross compiling experience - by Domarius - 07-11-2018, 09:48 PM

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