05-12-2018, 12:21 PM
(09-30-2017, 12:01 AM)megamarc Wrote: Tilengine allows you to modify tileset pixel data on the fly at runtime (check TLN_SetTilesetPixels() function). You could work your playfield layer in a single, big bitmap, and slice it in tiles to update the final tileset. It is definitely possible, but tilengine wasn't designed with non-tileset based graphics in mind and it doesn't have much to offer in this field. In short, it is possible, but a bit awkward.
Maybe I should write a small demo for realtime tileset manipulation...
I barely played lemmings, but I spent a lot of time with the original Worms in 1995!
Hey again Megamarc - wow the smiley bug is still there, heheh.
So I have a game idea that I thought may be a good use case for TileEngine but I'll have to do some testing with a few engines including this one. But before I do I thought I'd get your clarification;
I understand TileEngine won't help me with a bitmap background that allows modifications at the pixel level (like Worms, or Lemmings) but if I go my own way for making this bitmap background, will I still be able to render the game with TileEngine just the same, or will it be more awkward than if I used another engine? Can I just give TileEngine a bitmap surface that it will render, or must I convert the background into tiles before handing it over to TileEngine for rendering?
The ultimate question is will it be worth using TileEngine if my background is one of these bitmap based backgrounds, will I still get the benefit of using TileEngine to render the sprites and handle the animations, or is it better to just use another engine?