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Building & cross compiling experience
Question: The "Platformer.exe" that I built sucessfully in Linux, should it run just fine in Windows? I tried, and it crashed with a "DllNotFound". I tried putting the TileEngine.dll from the newly downloaded Win32 build in the same folder, but that didn't solve the problem. Here's the crash details;

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    CLR20r3
  Problem Signature 01:    Platformer.exe
  Problem Signature 02:
  Problem Signature 03:    5b449d42
  Problem Signature 04:    Platformer
  Problem Signature 05:
  Problem Signature 06:    5b449d42
  Problem Signature 07:    2d
  Problem Signature 08:    e
  Problem Signature 09:    System.DllNotFoundException
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    3081
  Additional Information 1:    407d
  Additional Information 2:    407d44cfad84bab60e2bab1da2aa3158
  Additional Information 3:    6bf4
  Additional Information 4:    6bf42ca98f725d93419edfced24dc524

I also tried "mono Platformer.exe" from the commandline, after installing Mono 32 bit for Windows and using its "Open Mono x86 Command Prompt" start menu entry, confirmed mono works from the commandline, but doing "mono Platformer.exe" as I did in Linux, didn't do anything in Windows. It just returned to the prompt immediately, no errors. Here's the evidence;

Mono version
Prepending 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono\bin\' to PATH

C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono>mono
Usage is: mono [options] program [program-options]

    --aot[=<options>]      Compiles the assembly to native code
    --debug[=<options>]    Enable debugging support, use --help-debug for detail
    --debugger-agent=options Enable the debugger agent
    --profile[=profiler]   Runs in profiling mode with the specified profiler mo
    --trace[=EXPR]         Enable tracing, use --help-trace for details
    --jitmap               Output a jit method map to /tmp/
    --help-devel           Shows more options available to developers

    --config FILE          Loads FILE as the Mono config
    --verbose, -v          Increases the verbosity level
    --help, -h             Show usage information
    --version, -V          Show version information
    --runtime=VERSION      Use the VERSION runtime, instead of autodetecting
    --optimize=OPT         Turns on or off a specific optimization
                           Use --list-opt to get a list of optimizations
    --security[=mode]      Turns on the unsupported security manager (off by def
                           mode is one of cas, core-clr, verifiable or validil
    --attach=OPTIONS       Pass OPTIONS to the attach agent in the runtime.
                           Currently the only supported option is 'disable'.
    --llvm, --nollvm       Controls whenever the runtime uses LLVM to compile co
    --gc=[sgen,boehm]      Select SGen or Boehm GC (runs mono or mono-sgen)
    --mixed-mode           Enable mixed-mode image support.
    --handlers             Install custom handlers, use --help-handlers for deta
    --aot-path=PATH        List of additional directories to search for AOT imag

C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono>d:

D:\>cd \Users\Clint\Documents\My Files\Game Development\Tilengine\Tilengine-mast

D:\Users\Clint\Documents\My Files\Game Development\Tilengine\Tilengine-master\sa
mples\csharp>mono Platformer.exe

D:\Users\Clint\Documents\My Files\Game Development\Tilengine\Tilengine-master\sa
mples\csharp>mono Platformer.exe

D:\Users\Clint\Documents\My Files\Game Development\Tilengine\Tilengine-master\sa
mples\csharp>mono Platformer.exe

D:\Users\Clint\Documents\My Files\Game Development\Tilengine\Tilengine-master\sa

Oh, btw, don't try getting MonoDevelop on Windows. There is no Windows download, you have to build it, it has errors, and even when you get it running, the "File -> Open" menu item does nothing! You can make new projects just fine, but opening existing ones? Noo. And no forum to ask for help in, only an IRC channel that no one replies on. So I guess I can only use MonoDevelop under Linux. So much for MonoDevelop being "cross-platform".

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RE: Building & cross compiling experience - by Domarius - 07-11-2018, 09:51 AM

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