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Building & cross compiling experience
Forget I said compile - I can just download it, doh. Sometimes I have my head so far stuck in the details I forget the obvious things. Trying to get MonoDevelop working on Windows really did my head in. And that's sad, what you said about Microsoft buying out the Windows side of MonoDevelop. Just another thing they've bought up to extinguish the competition. A perfectly good free cross platform IDE for C# now doesn't have a working Windows version and you have to go back to MS Visual Studio.

Anyway, I'm thrilled - the same file ran on Windows just fine, with the 64bit versions of Tilengine.dll and SDL2.dll. And then I found, once all the files were in the folder and renamed appropriately, I have a folder of a game that runs on 64bit versions of Windows, Linux, and MacOS (apparently, can't test the latter) depending which file you run, so I could just distribute the one folder instead of providing separate downloads. Kickstart can switch to the 32bit versions of its files automatically, so I guess if I wanted to distribute a Windows 32bit version I could provide a separate download.

This is new territory for me, have I got that right? Is there anything else I should be aware of?

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RE: Building & cross compiling experience - by Domarius - 07-12-2018, 08:36 AM

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