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I love Tilengine and the 80s :D
Here I am again. I have experienced many things in tilengine and have come to a conclusion:

  1. Focus on engine development, implementing text effects, shaders, and all the basic graphics to make a 2d SNes-style game.

  2. Update the C# wrapper, because it is simply fantastic! I tried with C++ (hard for me), Python (it's not intuitive and using external libraries like pysdl is detrimental to the health of beginners). The wrapper for C# is really nice, easy, and I find that C# is the best language for Tilengine. Obviously it is my opinion based on my current experience with tilengine.

  3. The documentation must also be converted for C#, without obvious haste, but it is a nice idea that will bring interest to many indie developers (today in the indie games the C# can be found everywhere and I understand the reasons that push users to love this language).

  4. C# is cross-platform and for some time .NET has also become open source for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, so it's an excellent solution.

  5. The examples included in Tilengine need a minimum of organization and completion (main menu (background, music and sound, new game, options, exit), a level, audio, and basic features to make all the examples a complete mini-game.

  6. Working above all on the simplicity and organization of the engine to make it as simple as possible (the C++ part is for experts like you, as I said C# will simplify things to all the poor hobbyists hobbyists.

I perfectly understand that Tilengine is a graphic engine, and I want it to stay that way! what I would like is the easy integration of audio libraries and inputs needed to make old-fashioned 2D games.

The SNes games were written in Assembly at the time. Nowadays there are endless libraries and programming and scripting languages to simplify the development of modern games, so to make a complete Castlevania clone should be very easy even for those who are not a professional programmer (but still studies and commits to realize the project that he dreams since he was a child).

I hope I have written everything in a clear and understandable way. Otherwise, feel free to get angry with me, I do not offend myself and I find it rewarding and enjoyable to learn new things.

I contacted some users of my knowledge who want to make a wrapper in LUA for Tilengine. I told them that it must be very simple, possibly with a nice tailor-made API (Lua relies on the C standard library, it's not the best for ease, although some consider it as easy as language but I do not approve).

I enjoy experimenting with new things with C#, and see if I can finish my first level for Castlevania.

I've read the API documentation in Python, I like it, but I do not understand why you used pysdl for the platformer example, do not you think pygame is better? much more documented and to realize a small platformer is very easy, all the graphic part is executed by Tilengine while pygame uses it for the game logic (keyboard commands, audio, additional graphic effects). I have not experienced anything with Python, I will do it in a few days. I want to keep Python as the last phase of testing. I like Python but I am very curious and I like to try everything before deciding what route to take.

I advise you to prepare (when you have time) a small guide to Tiled to create and organize game maps, it is very useful. In truth I can do this, if for you it's okay I'll send you the order in the next days. I started the new Tilengine guide in LaTeX.

Thanks, you are very kind, and your engine thrills me every time.

Messages In This Thread
RE: I love Tilengine and the 80s :D - by megamarc - 12-04-2017, 08:29 AM
RE: I love Tilengine and the 80s :D - by megamarc - 12-04-2017, 05:03 PM
RE: I love Tilengine and the 80s :D - by LordStephen77 - 12-10-2017, 10:02 AM
RE: I love Tilengine and the 80s :D - by megamarc - 12-12-2017, 09:15 AM
RE: I love Tilengine and the 80s :D - by megamarc - 12-15-2017, 11:08 PM
RE: I love Tilengine and the 80s :D - by Domarius - 08-03-2018, 08:28 AM
RE: I love Tilengine and the 80s :D - by megamarc - 08-05-2018, 05:26 PM

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